Arslan Arshad

Understanding Trauma – Causes, Effects, And Healing

Living with trauma can have a significant impact on our emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual health, as well as our daily functioning and overall quality of life. Trauma robs us of our hope. Trauma blocks […]

Self-Sabotage Unmasked – Recognizing And Resisting Self-Defeating Behaviours

Self-sabotage is any behavior or thought pattern that gets in the way of your progress toward your goals. It shows up in many forms including negative self-talk, procrastination, perfectionism, poor boundaries, avoidance, and self-destructive behaviors […]

The Art Of Stress Management – Practical Tips & Tools For Improving Health And Happiness

Medical research estimates as much as 90% of illness and disease is stress-related. Some stress can be healthy and is a natural response to perceived threats or challenges, but chronic and ongoing stress can most […]

Creating Change In The World – Exclusive Interview With Christy Roberts

Christy is a change maker, working primarily with high achievers, leaders and corporates. She thrives on empowering individuals and teams to create and live their best life – despite the many challenges it can throw […]

How To Build And Maintain A Healthy Relationship

Building a healthy and successful relationship is a journey that requires effort, patience, and effective communication. However, along the way, many couples experience relationship pitfalls that can derail their progress and cause problems. By recognizing […]

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