Transforming lives

Life Coach | Self Directed Healing | Speaker | Grief Expert
Embrace Your Best Life | Overcome Life’s Challenges
Empowering Workplaces with Wellbeing Workshops

Welcome to Creating Change, where we bring together a unique fusion of Life Coaching, Self Directed Healing, and Education to ignite positive transformations. Our mission is simple: to empower you on your journey to success by breaking through barriers that hinder your growth.

Whether you’re a high achiever, a leader, or an organization, we specialize in grief and trauma-educated solutions that foster overall well-being, enhance performance, and nurture healthy relationships. Our ultimate objective is to guide you, or your team, from a state of mere survival to a flourishing existence. Embrace change and unlock your full potential with us!

inspiring … compassionate … informative … practical … authentic …

To keep it simple, here’s the basics of how Creating Change will work with you:

The result you want to achieve
Where you are now
What needs to change
The current blocks and barriers

Life Rewards Action, so reward yourself by taking action now and booking in your free discovery call. Always remember, the most reliable way to predict your future is to create it.

The action steps needed to get your result
Towards achieving your result
Your achievements

What if you haven’t even scratched the surface yet? What if the best is still to come?

Consider the possibility

Our programs

Discover the Power of Self-Directed Healing

Discover the Power of Self-Directed Healing

Self-Directed Healing (SDH) is a holistic and completely natural, energy healing modality that empowers you to heal yourself.

As the Global SDH Practitioner Trainer, Christy is an expert in the industry. Her online sessions provide a compassionate and safe space to release anxiety, fear, grief, trauma, overwhelm, stress, anger, sadness, suicidal thoughts, and limiting beliefs (plus more!).

Book in a 2hr SuperSession now and experience the life changing results for yourself

What is Self Directed Healing

Life & Results Coaching: Your Pathway to Success!

Life & Results Coaching: Your Pathway to Success!

Life & Results Coaching is a direct pathway to success. Get clarity on your goals & purpose, while overcoming self sabotage & blocks to move your closer toward living your best life.

Whether you’re currently stuck in a rut, or highly motivated, this will work for you. We work with individuals, leaders, and teams to reach a higher level of performance and get results.

We offer ongoing 1:1 Coaching & Healing Memberships, and 2hr focused SuperSessions

Your Ultimate Life – Coaching & Healing Program

Your Ultimate Life – Coaching & Healing Program

Explore your passion and purpose. Find inner peace, balance and meaning. Unleash your potential and rediscover freedom, love, and joy.

Learn how to overcome life’s biggest challenges and live your best life. Join us for weekly 1:1 sessions for a fast-tracked transformation.

Unlock the steps to becoming your best self and start living the life you’ve always dreamed of – Your Ultimate Life.

Want to know more – book your free discovery call now!

Corporate & Wellbeing Workshops

Corporate & Wellbeing Workshops

With 20+ years of expertise in Human Resources & Organisational Development, we are dedicated to delivering workshops that cater to the unique needs of your organization, employees, leaders, communities, and groups.

We cover a wide range of essential topics, including Time Management, Effective Communication, Emotional Awareness, Work-Life Balance, Fatigue Management, and Coping with Grief & Trauma, among many others.

Ready to take your team’s performance to the next level? Book a call with us today!

Elevate Your Career & Leadership

Elevate Your Career & Leadership

Ready to achieve your goals and overcome obstacles in your career or leadership journey? With over 20+ years of expertise in Human Resources, Organizational & Leadership Development, Creating Change offers 1:1 Career & Leadership Coaching tailored to unlock your true potential.

Step up in your career or become a more influential and inspiring leader. Our personalized coaching & healing approach will empower you to reach new heights and achieve your aspirations.

Let’s embark on this transformative journey together! Sign up for coaching now.

Navigating Grief & Trauma

Navigating Grief & Trauma

As a bereaved parent and seasoned Grief Educator & Moderator, I intimately comprehend the challenging journey of grief and trauma.

At Creating Change, we recognize the profound impact of grief and trauma, often misunderstood by many in our culture and community. Our safe and compassionate space offers an opportunity for processing your emotions through Self-Directed Healing, Coaching & Workshops.

Join us on this transformative path to embrace life with renewed passion and purpose. Begin your healing journey with us today.

Awards & Recognition

Collaborations With

From my happy clients

  • Christy is an incredible communicator who has an unparalleled depth of knowledge, experience and empathy, making her the ‘go to’ guide for anyone living with grief. Not only does she provide a clear lens through which to understand it, she also guides you through its experience in a way that also supports you in all other aspects of your life.

    Sonja Armstrong
  • Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the past three days. I’ve done my fair share of courses over the years and never have I ever experienced the energy, passion, patience and wisdom you brought to every single moment of the training. I am grateful I was able to be on the receiving end of your teaching and to be witness to your gift as a healer too.

    Melissa Jane
  • Highly recommend Christy’s services. She is professional, empathetic.. the real deal. Christy creates such a safe environment for me to work through my trauma and after just one session, I feel lighter, with more confidence. I can’t thank her enough

    Ashlea Alice
  • I literally found a weight had been lifted off my chest. So much more open and easier to breathe. Big energy shifts. Its a friggin miracle. The knowledge and awareness you’re sharing, together with the tools, strategies and tips is so needed right now to help a grieving global community begin to heal. Thank you for all of your hard work and your bravery. You hold space so well for others which is a true gift to this world.

    Annette Gilbert
  • Incredible time management and life coaching workshop! Christy came out to our office and ran a half-day work shop with the team and we all took away so many valuable lessons. A huge thank you to Christy, we really appreciate it and would highly recommend her services to all businesses and individuals.

    James Mauro

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