
I started my journey with Christy just under 3 months ago. I was lost, angry and tired. To put it simply, I wanted to give up on myself. I couldn’t have found christy at a more perfect time in my life, she has helped me look within and transform for the better. Christy is a mastermind, with so much knowledge and experience she is such a powerful asset to have in your corner. If you are considering coaching with Christy – DO IT!

from Mackenzie Brasher

Highly recommend Christy’s services. She is professional, empathetic.. the real deal. Christy creates such a safe environment for me to work through my trauma and after just one session, I feel lighter, with more confidence. I can’t thank her enough

from Ashlea Alice

I literally found a weight had been lifted off my chest. So much more open and easier to breathe. Big energy shifts. Its a friggin miracle. The knowledge and awareness you’re sharing, together with the tools, strategies and tips is so needed right now to help a grieving global community begin to heal. Thank you for all of your hard work and your bravery. You hold space so well for others which is a true gift to this world.

from Annette Gilbert

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the past three days. I’ve done my fair share of courses over the years and never have I ever experienced the energy, passion, patience and wisdom you brought to every single moment of the training. I am grateful I was able to be on the receiving end of your teaching and to be witness to your gift as a healer too.

from Melissa Jane

Incredible time management and life coaching workshop! Christy came out to our office and ran a half-day work shop with the team and we all took away so many valuable lessons. A huge thank you to Christy, we really appreciate it and would highly recommend her services to all businesses and individuals.

from James Mauro

Christy is an incredible communicator who has an unparalleled depth of knowledge, experience and empathy, making her the ‘go to’ guide for anyone living with grief. Not only does she provide a clear lens through which to understand it, she also guides you through its experience in a way that also supports you in all other aspects of your life.

from Sonja Armstrong
from Karin Schwarz & Priya Patel

Wonderful person with lots to share

from Kaylene Sowden

I thoroughly benefited and received so much value. I felt she tapped into a part of me l hid. Her approach was compassionate and professional and l took away a lot to implement and reflect on.

from Susan Scanlon

Christy's style is engaging and friendly, and she keeps it real. She really gets to the heart of the matter. Christy has such a great energy, oozes positivity and I always leave her presence feeling uplifted and inspired.

from Angela Carter

YOU are an INCREDIBLE Lady…. I Thank the Universe for you

from Shantell Taylor

Very professional and made me so comfortable to open up with her. Each coaching session had a clear outcome. Overall Christy made a great impact to the way I see life and I can say she helped me to unleash my potential and change myself for the better.

from Thilini Weerasuriya

Christy has taken the time to adapt the coaching tools to suit my personality and I have seen great progression in myself and have got a clearer vision of how to reach my goals.

from Priya Patel

A true professional. Christy brings fun and laughter to the session yet can hold the space for those moments which are deeply emotional. Challenging yet playful. I would not hesitate to recommend Christy; rest assured you will be well taken care of.

from Jo Fisher

Every week I come out of it relieved and she helps me find wisdom in some sad events that were limiting me

from Martine Viney

I experienced a sense of calm, peace & relief. Christy’s coaching has personally inspired self-belief, momentum & desire to be the best version of myself I can be

from Tracy Beech
from Josh Morieson, Thilan Balasuriya & Dawn Sulley

Very friendly while being effective and result driven. She helped me realize my true potential. Christy is very professional, wise and grounded and during the sessions, she is fully present and committed to you. She has a wonderful calm presence

from Barinderjeet Kaur

I now see things completely differently. I can sincerely say that Christy's coaching changed me

from John Cutajar

Christy helped me re-discover who I am. For the first time in years I feel that I have a purpose, and I am working towards achievable goals.

from Karen Markwick

So Raw… incredibly Real! insightful, Empowering & Motivating

from Shantell Taylor

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