Want to increase your Productivity, Efficiency, and Output without sacrificing your Work-Life Balance?



Master Your Time,
Master Your Life

Manage your time to empower your life

Brought to you by Christy Roberts

World-Class Life & Results Coach

Worldwide Self-Directed Healing Practitioner Trainer & Mentor



Improve your discipline & focus
Learn to prioritise what's most important to you

Brought to you by Christy Roberts – Results Coach, Life Coach, Global Self Directed Healing Practitioner Trainer & Mentor, and Grief Educator

Do you manage your time or does time manage you?

Our inboxes aren't getting smaller.
Our To Do Lists aren't getting any less full.
We're getting more and more overwhelmed by our responsibilities.

And, yet - time is our only non-renewable resource. We can't get it back once it's gone.

It's not your fault if you are feeling Overwhelmed or Overloaded.

We can't expect the world to get less busier.

We have to learn how to change our
relationship with time.

My name is Christy Roberts, and and I am a World-Class Coach, Healer & Educator.

As Founder of Creating Change, I am passionate about unlocking our potential, transforming mindsets and supporting people to live their ultimate lives and achieve the success and results they desire and deserve. 

I have been teaching Time Mastery skills to my clients for years.

When it comes to living our BEST LIFE, we need time to enable us to do that. And time is a non-renewable resource. So in this program, you’ll be learning loads of tips, tools, strategies, and practical time management models.

The Master Your Time - Master Your Life course is designed for personal and professional use. The skills are relatable and transferable to both your home and work lives.

From a professional aspect, we’ll focus on how you can get the most out of your day so that you leave work at the end of the day, feeling valued and proud of what you’ve achieved for the day.

If you are completing this program with your work team, you will all learn the same techniques and language around managing your time which will improve communication and team effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity. Plus you can have some fun with it together.

At the end of the day, we all have the same 24 hours. But how you spend that time, that’s entirely up to you. This program is all about learning to leverage your time and empowering yourself to get the most out of every day.

In addition, the entire program is underpinned with life and results coaching. We’ll be focusing on:

What is most important in your life? 
What are you doing with your life? 

What are you actually clearing that time for?

This Online Program is for you if:

#1. You feel overwhelmed with what needs to get done, and you're not sure how to get it done in the time you have.

#2. You struggle to prioritise and get what matters most done - you're swamped by emails and other tasks.

#3. You feel like you're not achieving your true 

priorities that give you a sense of fulfilment and deep happiness 

#4 - You find it hard to switch off or relax. You work too much and have little or no work-life balance! 

By the end of the Online Program you will:

#1. Prioritise your To-Do List

#2. Leverage different times in the day to maximize productivity

#3. Establish what’s important to you

#4 - Appreciate the consequences of how time impacts your life & the benefits of leveraging it to your advantage

The Master Your Time - Master Your Life course is designed for personal and professional use.

The skills are relatable and transferable to both your home and work lives.

Here’s what’s covered:

18 Video Modules

Loads of practical activities

3.5 hours of video content + Bonus Content

Module 1 - Introduction & Welcome

A very warm welcome and introduction to the program

Module 2 - How Lack of Time Affects us

The physical, mental & emotional effects of not having enough time

How do you want to feel?


Module 3 - Some TIME 'Facts & Stats'

How do you measure up against the statistics?

How are you using your time?

How well are you sleeping?

Includes downloadable resources:

The Time Tracker Spreadsheet & Interruptors Log

Module 4 - Setting Clear Goals

Creating goals that are SMART

Personal Goals & Professional Goals

Module 5 - The 80-20 Rule

Also known as the Pareto Principle - explains the concept and benefit of focusing on high value tasks versus low value tasks

Module 6 - Envision Your Future

A visual meditative exercise that takes you on a journey to your future successful self, connecting with your true identity & purpose

Module 7 - Procrastination

How and why you procrastinate. The effects of procrastinating and how to break these habitual patterns

Module 8 - Your To Do list

You will prepare your Personal and Professional to do lists, then determine your highest values tasks that require your focus

Module 9 - What are your Challenges & Blocks?

In this module we explore our inner world. Identifying your blocks and biggest challenges. We discover what's holding you back?

Module 10 - Your Mind Maps - Mindset Matters

We continue to learn more about our inner world, including neurological wiring and self sabotage

Module 11 - What’s Important to you

How do you relate to time? We explore what is most important to you. If you're learning time management strategies and freeing up more time, what are you freeing up the time for? Making the moments count

Module 12 - The Urgent Important Matrix

A fabulous model that helps to prioritise your To Do List

Module 13 - Your Einstein Window

Learn to structure your day to leverage the times when you are most productive and efficient, including strategies for protecting this valuable time

Module 14 - How to Free Up Your Time

ROAR - Results Orientated Action Replacements ... This activity will help you identify what you can Stop - Start - do Less of & More of

Module 15 - What can you do Differently?

Thinking outside the box. Moving out of our comfort zone.

Creating better habits, plus a deeper dive into more sleeping tips

Module 16 - What makes you Happy?

What does Self Care look like for you?

Healthy ways to replenishing your energy.

Create your Happy List

Module 17 - Reflection Time & Next Steps

What are your key takeaways?

 What's changed for you?

What are your steps for Planning and Implementation

Module 18 - Review and Congratulations

Keeping the momentum and setting yourself up for success

Module 1 - Introduction & Welcome

A very warm welcome and introduction to the program

Module 2 - How Lack of Time Affects us

The physical, mental & emotional effects of not having enough time

How do you want to feel?


Module 3 - Some TIME 'Facts & Stats'

How do you measure up against the statistics?

How are you using your time?

How well are you sleeping?

Includes downloadable resources:

The Time Tracker Spreadsheet & Interruptors Log

Module 4 - Setting Clear Goals

Creating goals that are SMART

Personal Goals & Professional Goals

Module 5 - The 80-20 Rule

Also known as the Pareto Principle - explains the concept and benefit of focusing on high value tasks versus low value tasks

Module 6 - Envision Your Future

A visual meditative exercise that takes you on a journey to your future successful self, connecting with your true identity & purpose

Module 7 - Procrastination

How and why you procrastinate. The effects of procrastinating and how to break these habitual patterns

Module 8 - Your To Do list

You will prepare your Personal and Professional to do lists, then determine your highest values tasks that require your focus

Module 9 - What are your Challenges & Blocks?

In this module we explore our inner world. Identifying your blocks and biggest challenges. We discover what's holding you back?

Module 10 - Your Mind Maps - Mindset Matters

We continue to learn more about our inner world, including neurological wiring and self sabotage

Module 11 - What’s Important to you

How do you relate to time? We explore what is most important to you. If you're learning time management strategies and freeing up more time, what are you freeing up the time for? Making the moments count

Module 12 - The Urgent Important Matrix

A fabulous model that helps to prioritise your To Do List

Module 13 - Your Einstein Window

Learn to structure your day to leverage the times when you are most productive and efficient, including strategies for protecting this valuable time

Module 14 - How to Free Up Your Time

ROAR - Results Orientated Action Replacements ... This activity will help you identify what you can Stop - Start - do Less of & More of

Module 15 - What can you do Differently?

Thinking outside the box. Moving out of our comfort zone.

Creating better habits, plus a deeper dive into more sleeping tips

Module 16 - What makes you Happy?

What does Self Care look like for you?

Healthy ways to replenishing your energy.

Create your Happy List

Module 17 - Reflection Time & Next Steps

What are your key takeaways?

 What's changed for you?

What are your steps for Planning and Implementation

Module 18 - Review and Congratulations

Keeping the momentum and setting yourself up for success

Bonus Content

Self Sabotage Podcast

Bonus Content

Goal Setting Workbook

Bonus Content

Overcoming Procrastination Workbook

This is for you:

#1. If you’re ready to escape the stress, overload & overwhelm in your life.

#2. If you’re ready to step out of the procrastination loop and back into purpose and productivity.

#3. If you’re ready to start achieving the results and goals you know you’re capable of.


#4 - If it’s time to improve your work-life balance and feel more fulfilled in life.

Meet Christy Roberts...

Christy is the Global Self Directed Healing Practitioner Trainer, a Life Coach, Certified Grief Educator, and an Executive Contributor of Brainz Magazine. She is the Founder of Creating Change, and an 2022 Australian Women’s Small Business Champion Finalist.

She helps people journey through the toughest of life’s challenges, like grief, trauma, anger, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, feeling stuck, lost, disconnected, fearful, overwhelmed, stressed, and burnt out.

Christy has lived many of life’s ups and downs and understands first-hand deep emotional pain and profound grief after her teenage son, Aaron, tragically died in a car accident.

She now considers her love for Aaron to be her superpower and continually honours him through her work by helping others navigate some of their deepest, darkest times, towards living their best life.

Christy is passionate about unlocking our human potential, transforming mindsets, and supporting people to get out of their own way and live the life they were born to live.

She provides Coaching, Self Directed Healing, Workshops, and Educational Resources that positively impact people, leaders, and workplaces. Christy is driven to make a change in our society and culture so that we are more authentically connected to ourselves and living with passion and purpose.

Awards & Recognition

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Recent Client Feedback...

Doing the ‘Master Your Time’ workshop has been the best investment of time I have committed to in a long time. I instantly felt safe and supported in Christy’s care as we worked through some extremely valuable practical tools that have helped to pull me out of the exhausting rut I have been in for ages. I instantly signed up for coaching sessions at the end of the workshop so I can continue to learn and grow and make the lasting changes that I have been talking about for so long. I can finally see it happening now and I am fully motivated to take on the work.

Melanie Wilson

I am very glad that I attended Christy’s workshop despite my previous knowledge regarding time management. She really did a great job of pulling together well-known and not so well-known time management tools into a neat package that is practical and useful. The workshop was a good mix of theory and practice and I was inspired to start using the tools immediately. This has helped me already in having a better idea of what tasks to focus on in order to achieve my goals faster.

Ute Goeft

After attending Christy’s “How to Master my Time Workshop” I found my previous resistance to taking personal responsibility to this part of my life and business just kept me putting it off, always adding even more unscheduled things to complicate my life. It’s been my own belief until now, that organising my life could be hard, difficult or even complex, but now, with Christy’s workbook in hand I’ve already begun the pleasure of proactively prioritising tasks and scheduling my days and weeks ahead, and you know what? It feels liberating and wonderful already.


Christy, in her easy going, non-threatening and encouraging manner inspired me to
take action to do the things I make excuses not to do. Her enthusiasm, passion and
willingness to share personal examples and experiences is truly motivating and
inspiring. Thank you Christy for making the time to present this workshop (and being
great at improvising in a challenging situation). Honestly, I wondered how I could sit still long enough on a Saturday morning to do this workshop, but the time flew by and I could’ve easily come back for another session.

Issy Swanson

Christy delivered a powerful and high value workshop on Mastering your Time. It really got me to reassess the way I was using my time, and assisted me to tweak and shift my approach.

I have found it a powerful reminder and highly instructional workshop that delivers real tools which are making a measurable difference in my business productivity.


I recently attended Christy Roberts Creating Change How to Master Your Time Workshop. I find it hard to fit in all of the things that I want to do every day and tend to lose focus on tasks and skip from one to another or try to do 3 at a time! Christy’s workshop gave me tools and ideas for controlling my time and they have proven to be useful already! Thanks Christy. Keep up the good work!

Sarina Cowle

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who Is This Program For?

Is There Any Pre-Work?



Ready to improve your focus and productivity to live your best life

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